What Makes the Keto Diet Work?

Reading Time: 2 Minutes – What Makes the Keto Diet Work?

The removal of processed foods, and that’s it. There is nothing magic about eating animal products that make a ketogenic diet work.

Even if someone were to simply remove ALL processed foods except animal products, they would still have the same benefits.

The problem with animal products is that they are highly concentrated processed foods. Highly processed by the animals that originally consumed a RAW whole-food/plant-based diet.

Of course some will ask, “Where do you get your protein?”

Wrong question. It should be, “Where do you get your AMINO ACIDS?” Because that is what our body needs in that our body makes ALL of its own proteins from amino acids. And if you are deriving them from animal products you are doing it the hard way.

Our body wants all of its nutrient sources to be present at the lowest overall metabolic cost and having to break down animal products is the least efficient way to go about it at great cost to your overall vitality.
This is just how human physiology works. It’s not even up for debate.

If your diet and metabolism aren’t easy it will eventually become diseasy.

Michael J. Loomis | Editor at Chew Digest | Scribe at Terrain Wiki

Life & Longevity vs. Low Carb Diets(Keto/Paleo)

Reading Time: 1 Minute – Life & Longevity vs. Low Carb Diets(Keto/Paleo)

“In a large cohort of adults living in four diverse US communities, with more than two decades of follow-up, mid-life dietary patterns marked by both low carbohydrate and high carbohydrate consumption were associated with increased mortality risk and shorter residual lifespan.”

“Low carbohydrate dietary patterns that replaced energy from carbohydrate with energy from animal-derived protein or fat were associated with greater risk. However, this association was reversed when energy from carbohydrate was replaced with plant-derived protein or fat.”

Continue reading here(Full Text) – https://www.thelancet.com/article/S2468-2667(18)30135-X/fulltext

Michael J. Loomis | Editor at Chew Digest | Scribe at Terrain Wiki