Soma Nature

Reading Time: 2-3 Minutes – SOMA NATURE

Just like the natural world around me, my body, in a sense, has a “Mother Nature.”

Let that sink in and simmer for a moment.

I call It “Soma Nature.”

Soma Nature is a personification of my body’s nature that focuses on the life-giving, life-preserving, and nurturing aspects of my body by embodying it in the form of a parental figure.

It has become clear that my body has a level of intelligence and set of operating instructions that it uses without any intervention on my part that I have no access to. I know that I can interfere with those processes by something as simple as eating poorly to a certain degree. But even then, I can only go so far before good old Soma Nature takes back control.

This is often referred to as an auto-immune disorder which is a slight misnomer because our body doesn’t attack itself. It isn’t attacking you but trying to correct an error in your body, and that level of detoxification is never comfortable and sometimes downright painful. It is precisely that mechanism of action being misinterpreting as an attack when it is not. If the irritating factor is removed, the auto-immune disorder typically ceases to function and stops being needed as a meaningful biological process. Even cancer under the right conditions has been observed to heal spontaneously.

Not sure yet why I connected these two concepts, but it seems like a useful tool for understanding how our body functions.

What do you think?

Michael J. Loomis | Editor at Chew Digest | Scribe at Terrain Wiki

Published by

Michael J Loomis

Hi, my name is Michael, I'm an alcoholic. 5 years ago, after a lifetime of not listening to my body, I had a moment of clarity. That next morning I reintroduce myself to the program of A.A. Little did I know that moment of clarity would spark not just a recovery from alcohol; but a recovery of my life.